How to Prayer witr step by step Guide

When it comes to How to Prayer Witr, many Muslims are unsure about the correct procedure. Witr prayer, also known as Witr salah, is a voluntary prayer performed at night, and it’s an essential part of a Muslim’s daily routine. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of Witr prayer and its benefits and provide a step-by-step guide on correctly performing it.

Witr means odd. In the light of the hadiths of the Prophet, the Muslim Ummah agrees that we should observe special observance of Witr prayers. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) used to arrange the three rakat Witr namaz, and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of performing the Witr prayers.

He even said that if a person could not recite the Witr on time, he should make it up later. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has repeatedly ordered the Muslim Ummah to pay the Witr.

What is Witr Prayer?

Witr prayer is a non-obligatory prayer that can be performed after the Isha prayer, the last of the five daily prayers. It’s a unique prayer that consists of an odd number of rak’ahs (units of prayer), usually one, three, five, or seven. The Witr prayer is considered a means of seeking closeness to Allah and is highly recommended in Islam.

Benefits of Performing Witr Prayer

Performing Witr prayer regularly can benefit a Muslim’s spiritual and daily life. Some of the benefits include:

  • Strengthening one’s faith and connection with Allah
  • Seeking forgiveness and mercy from Allah
  • Protection from sin and evil deeds
  • Guidance and wisdom in daily life
  • A sense of calm and peace

Witr Salah Importance

  • Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:” Witr prayer is the truth, so he who does not recite Witr is not one of us. Witr prayer is the truth, so he who does not recite Witr is not one of us. Witr prayer is the truth, so he who does not recite Witr is not one of us.”
  • Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri said: Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Perform Witr prayers before dawn.”
  • Hazrat Ali (AS) says that the Prophet (SAW) said: “O Muslims! Read Witr Because Allah Almighty is also Witr and loves Witr.”
  • Hazrat Khawaja bin Hudhafa said: Once the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) came to us and said: “Allah has given you a prayer which is better for you than the red camel, and that is the Witr prayer”
  • Allah has ordained this prayer for you from Isha prayer till dawn. Muhaddithin wrote that being better than red camels meant that red camels were the most valuable thing in those days.

When to Perform Witr Prayer

The best time to perform Witr prayer is after the Isha prayer, usually around 9-10 pm. However, it can be performed any time at night, as long as it’s before the Fajr prayer (dawn prayer).

The time for Witr prayer lasts from Isha prayers till dawn. According to most scholars, Witr prayers should not be performed after dawn. Instead, the witr prayer should be performed qazaa after sunrise.

The Best Time for Prayer

It is better to perform Tahajjud prayers in the last part of the night and perform witr salah. This was the constant practice of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). However, those who cannot perform Tahajjud and Witr prayers in the last part of the night should perform Witr prayers before bed.

Hazrat Jabir narrated that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: Whoever is afraid to pray three witr that He can’t wake up and pray on the last night, then he should perform witr in the early part of the night. However, whoever wants to perform the Witr prayers in the previous part of the night should do so. The angels are present during the prayers performed in the last part of the night, and this is the best.

How to Prayer witr

How to offer witr, after performing the obligatory, Sunnah and nawafil of Isha prayers; perform the obligatory three rak’ahs of witr namaz. The intention of Witr prayers is the same as that of ordinary prayers. The method of reciting Witr, with a slight difference, is the same as that of Maghrib prayers.

That is, sit for two rak’ahs for tashahhud, then stand for the third rak’ah and recite Surah Al-Fatihah. After mixing the sura, say “Allahu Akbar”, raise both hands to the earlobe and tie them.

The woman should raise her hands to her shoulders and place them on her chest, then recite Witr namaz surah Dua Qunoot, which consists of these words:

How to pray witr

The Virtue of Worshiping at Night

  • Hazrat Jabir narrates that I heard the Holy Prophet saying: There comes a time in the night when Muslims demand something from Allah. And Allah gives him the same. And this hour comes every night. Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) said: “Make it mandatory to stay up at night, for it is the way of the righteous before you, and the cause of nearness to God for you—eraser of evils and preventer of sins.
  • Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) said: “On the Day of Qayamat, people will be gathered in a field, and a preacher will announce: Where are the people whose crotches (in remembrance of their Lord) did not rest on their beds? Let them stand! Their number will be minimal, and they will enter Paradise without reckoning; then, the people’s reckoning will be decreed.
  • Hazrat Abu Sulaiman said: “People awake at night get more pleasure in night worship than people engaged in sports. And if they are given the reward of their deeds, only the joy of waking up at night, then this is also a greater reward than the deeds. He added that I would not like to be in the world if it were not for the night.
  • Hazrat Fadhil bin Ayyaz says: “When the sun sets, I am happy to be in the dark, to be alone with my Lord, and when the dawn comes, I am sorry that people will come.
  • Once, people asked Hazrat Bishar Hafi why don’t you rest even for an hour at night? He said that Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) used to stay up at night so much that his blessed feet became swollen, although Allaah blessed him with the next and the last life of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH). I had been acquitted of sins, While Allah has saved me from Hell or not.
  • Hazrat Abo Horaira narrated that a man came to the service of the Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) and said: “(O Messenger of Allah!) Such and such a person prays at night and steals when it is morning.” it is said by Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him: Soon this (prayer) will stop him from (stealing) what you are saying.

Tips and Reminders

  • Make sure to perform the Witr prayer in purity and cleanliness.
  • Use a prayer mat or a clean surface to perform the prayer.
  • Face the direction of the Kaaba (Qibla) during the prayer.
  • Perform the prayer with sincerity and focus.
  • Don’t forget to make the intention and recite the tashahhud during the prayer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Witr prayer obligatory?

A: No, Witr prayer is not obligatory but highly recommended in Islam.

Q: Can I perform Witr prayer during the day?

A: No, the Witr prayer should be performed after the Isha prayer at night.

Q: How many rak’ahs should I perform in Witr prayer?

A: You can perform one, three, five, or seven rak’ahs in Witr prayer, but it’s recommended to perform three  number.

Q: Can I perform Witr prayer in the congregation?

A: Yes, you can perform Witr prayer in the congregation, but it’s unnecessary.

By following this guide, you can perform the Witr prayer correctly and reap its numerous benefits. Always seek guidance from Islamic scholars and resources if you have any doubts or questions.

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