In Islamic practice, seeking protection from the Fire of Hell is an essential aspect of faith. This can be achieved through various duas (supplications) and practices deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. Here are some ways to seek protection from Hellfire in Islam:
Understanding the Importance of Protection
Before delving into the specific duas and practices, it is essential to understand the significance of seeking protection from Hellfire. The Quran vividly describes the punishment of Hell as a place of extreme suffering and torment reserved for those who reject Allah’s message. Therefore, Muslims are encouraged to seek Allah’s mercy and protection from this fate.
As a Muslim, everyone wants to escape from Hell, and his abode will be Paradise. A prayer for protection from the fire of Hell is also usually recited, which is a mighty prayer, as follows: Allahumma ajirni man naar.
Allah Almighty has shown man two paths: the path of goodness and the path of evil. He who does good deeds is promised Paradise, and Hell punishes him who does evil deeds.
We will try to explain Islamic teachings, particularly the teachings about salvation from Hell, which are very clearly explained.
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal narrated the hadith in Musnad, and Imam Abu Dawood narrated it in Sunan Abu Dawood. The words are:
When you have finished the Fajr prayer, before you speak to anyone, say seven times, Allahumma ajirni minan naar. If death occurs to you on that day, May Allah save you from Hell.
Reciting the Dua “Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar”
One of the most common duas that Muslims recite to seek protection from Hellfire is “Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar” (O Allah, save me from the Fire). This dua is a powerful supplication that expresses a deep yearning for Allah’s protection and mercy. It is recommended that this dua be recited frequently, especially during times of distress or when contemplating the purpose of life.
Other Powerful Duas for Protection
In addition to “Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar,” there are several other duas that Muslims can recite to seek protection from Hellfire. Here are some examples:
- “Rabbanaa wa-ghfir lanaa warhamnaa wa-antal-ghafooru-r-raheem” (Our Lord, forgive us and have mercy upon us, for You are the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful).
- “Rabbanaa innanaf’alun min amril-laazi na’lam wa-min amril-laazi laa na’lam, wa-anta ‘allamu-l-ghuyoobi. Allahumma anta ala kulli shay-in Qadeer, fa-aghfir lanaa ma ta’lam wa-ma lam t’lam, wa-ba’athnaa ma tashaa’u ilaynaa, innaka antat-ta’aalaa al-‘azeez” (Our Lord, we have indeed wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. You are our Lord and Master; You will gather us and the previous nations. You are All-Knowing of the unseen. Allah, You are competent in all things. So forgive and have mercy upon us; You are the best forgivers).
- “Rabbanaa wa-qinaa azaaban-nar” (Our Lord, save us from the punishment of the Fire).
Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar Meaning

Anas bin Malik says that the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: On the Day of Qayamat, people will form rows; then a sinful man will come and speak to the people of Paradise: O so and so! You remember one day you were thirsty, so I quenched your thirst.
So, that person in heaven will intercede for that person in hell. Another man will pass by another man and say: Do you remember that one day I performed Wudhu for you? So he will recommend it. Similarly, one will say: O so-and-so: Do you remember I went to your work one day? So he will recommend it.
Following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
In addition to reciting duas, following the Sunnah (teachings and practices) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is essential to seeking protection from Hellfire. Here are some Sunnah practices that can help:
- Performing the Five Daily Prayers: Praying five times a day is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and a fundamental aspect of the faith. Regular prayer helps to purify the soul and seek Allah’s forgiveness and protection.
- Giving Charity: Generosity and charity are highly valued in Islam, and giving to those in need is a way to seek Allah’s pleasure and protection.
- Repentance: Regularly seeking Allah’s forgiveness and repenting for past sins is an essential aspect of seeking protection from Hellfire.
- Reciting the Quran: Regularly reciting and reflecting on the Quran is a way to seek Allah’s guidance and protection.
Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar Hadith
- Syedna Mu’adhrazi Allah Anhu (once) was riding behind him on his horse with him. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) told him: O Mu’aaz, they said: Labeek Three times (it happened). Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: Whoever bears witness with his sincere heart, Allah will forbid him (the fire of Hell).
- Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Whoever cries out of fear of Allaah will not go to Hell until then. “Until the milk returns to the breast and the dust of jihad and the smoke of Hell cannot accumulate in one place for Allah.
- Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: Shall I not tell you about a person on whom the fire of Hell is forbidden and he is banned on fire? This person is gentle and close to people, creating comfort and ease for them.
- It is narrated from Umm Al-Mu’minin Syeda Umm Habiba that I Listen to Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) instruct that whoever recites the four rak’ahs before Zuhar and the four rak’ahs after, Allaah will forbid him from the fire of Hell.
- Narrated by Syedna Ammara: I heard Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) say: The one who prays before sunrise and sunset. The fire will not touch it (i.e. Fajr and ASR prayers).
- You must read this dua to go to heaven instead of Hell Allahumma inni as taluka al Jannah.
We should promise ourselves that we will not only pray for deliverance from Hell but also, after today, stay away from all activities that lead to going to Hell. We will always do good work for humanity that our Lord will be pleased with and send us to heaven.
Frequently Asked Questions about Seeking Protection from the Fire of Hell in Islamic Practice
1. Will we be able to see other people in Hellfire?
In Islamic practice, it is believed that the people of Paradise will be able to see the people of Hellfire. This belief is based on the Quran and Hadith, and it helps Muslims understand the reality of the afterlife and the consequences of their actions in this world.
2. What is the significance of seeking protection from Hellfire in Islamic practice?
Seeking protection from Hellfire is an essential aspect of Islamic practice. It is a way for Muslims to express their remorse for their sins and to seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. By seeking protection from Hellfire, Muslims are reminded of the importance of leading a righteous life and of the consequences of their actions.
3. How can I seek protection from Hellfire in Islamic practice?
There are several ways to seek protection from Hellfire in Islamic practice. These include reciting specific duas (supplications), performing good deeds, and avoiding sinful behaviour. Some of the most common duas for seeking protection from Hellfire include “Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar” (O Allah, save me from the Fire) and “Rabbanaa wa-ghfir lanaa warhamnaa wa-antal-ghafooru-r-raheem” (Our Lord, forgive us and have mercy upon us, for You are the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful).
4. What are some good deeds that can help in seeking protection from Hellfire?
Some good deeds that can help seek protection from Hellfire include giving to charity, performing the five daily prayers, reading the Quran, and seeking knowledge. These deeds are not only a way to seek Allah’s pleasure and forgiveness but also a way to purify the soul and lead a righteous life.
5. What sinful behaviours should be avoided in seeking protection from Hellfire?
Some sinful behaviours that should be avoided in seeking protection from Hellfire include lying, cheating, stealing, and engaging in illicit relationships. These behaviours not only harm oneself and others, but they also go against the teachings of Islam and can lead to negative consequences in this world and the next.
6. Is it possible to see the people of Hellfire in this world?
No, seeing the people of Hellfire in this world is impossible. However, Muslims are encouraged to reflect on the reality of the afterlife and the consequences of their actions. By doing so, they can seek Allah’s protection and mercy and lead a righteous life.
7. What is the importance of seeking knowledge in seeking protection from Hellfire?
Seeking knowledge is an essential aspect of seeking protection from Hellfire. By gaining knowledge about Islam and its teachings, Muslims can better understand the importance of leading a righteous life and seeking Allah’s pleasure and forgiveness. Additionally, seeking knowledge is a way to purify the soul and lead a life of purpose and meaning.
8. How can reciting the Quran help in seeking protection from Hellfire?
Reciting the Quran is a powerful way to seek protection from Hellfire. The Quran is the word of Allah, and it contains guidance and wisdom for all aspects of life. By reciting the Quran, Muslims can seek Allah’s guidance and mercy and purify their souls. Additionally, reciting the Quran is a way to seek Allah’s pleasure and forgiveness and to lead a righteous life.
9. What is the importance of leading a righteous life in seeking protection from Hellfire?
Leading a righteous life is an essential aspect of seeking protection from Hellfire. By leading a righteous life, Muslims can express their remorse for their sins and seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. Additionally, leading a righteous life is a way to purify the soul and lead a life of purpose and meaning.
10. What is the importance of seeking Allah’s pleasure in seeking protection from Hellfire?
Seeking Allah’s pleasure is an essential aspect of seeking protection from Hellfire. By seeking Allah’s pleasure, Muslims can express their remorse for their sins and seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. Additionally, seeking Allah’s pleasure is a way to lead a righteous life and to purify the soul.