Happy mothers day quotes in Islam with Beautiful Images

Are you looking for Happy mothers day quotes?” Mother is the most beautiful relationship in the world. Mother is the most beautiful word. Mother is the most beautiful thing. Mother is very high in happiness. Mother is very high in wealth, very high in support, very high in prayer, and very high in medicine.

Allah, the Exalted, intended to create man in this universe, so He distinguished man from all other creatures. With this, he established a system of human creation from which man will continue to come into this world until the Day of Resurrection. That system is the parents, i.e., the man and the woman, cause the child’s birth. He also ordered good behaviour and instructed the parents to pay the rights of the parents.

The spirit of love is instinctively given to the parents. For children, parents are the greatest blessing in the world. The more the mother and father are respected, the more the children will be happy. Where Allah Almighty has commanded His worship, He has also said:

Treat your mother and father with kindness. Children do not have the right to call their parents bad, but respecting their parents is beneficial for their children both in the world and in religion. If one’s head is in the shadow of one’s parents, then one is very lucky in this world, and those who have the opportunity to serve their parents should serve those who treat their parents kindly.

Happy mothers day quotes

  • There is no substitute for the mother’s lap.
  • There is no greater power than a mother’s prayer.
  • There is nothing more delicate in the world than a mother’s heart.
  • Motherhood is a precious and rare gift for human beings.
  • Allah Almighty gave such a status to the mother that He placed Paradise under her feet.
  • The world begins with the mother and ends with the mother.
  • What’s up, mom? Mother is the figure of truth; mother is the model of eternal love; the mother is the sea of ​​compassion; the mother is the river of longing; mother is the flood of sacrifice; mother is the treasure of kindness.
  • Mother’s love is that mountain of Himalayas whose heights no one has been able to touch to date.
  • Mother’s love is the everlasting flower that never falls.
  • Writing about the mother is like closing the ocean in a jar.
  • Mother is a lovely word that man utters from the depths of his heart.

Mother is the most beautiful relationship in the world. Mother is the most beautiful word. Mother is the most beautiful thing, mother is the greatest happiness.

Mothers Day in Islam Quotes

  • “Always be afraid of the mother raising her hand to the sky in hatred” Plato.
  • “Instead of expecting sympathy from the mother, the mother should be sympathetic” Aristotle.
  • “The best place for a baby is the mother’s heart” Shakespeare.
  • “If I were separated from my mother, I would go insane”, Hakim Luqmān.
  • “The hardest heart can be waxed with the mother’s full eyes” Allama Mohammad Iqbal.
  • “The only beautiful thing in the world is mother”, Muhammad Ali Johar.

Mothers Day in Islam Quotes

Mother Islamic Quotes

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar says that a man came to the Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) and said, ” I want to make a vow in the order of migration and in the order of fighting disbelief with the hope of reward. The Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) said:

Are you still with your father or mother in this life? So the man said: Both are life. The Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) asked this person: Do you seek a great reward from Allah Almighty? He said yes. He said: Go to your parents and serve them.

The Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) said that whoever wishes to prolong his life and increase his provision should treat his parents and relatives well.

Mothers Day Quotes in Islam

Hazrat Abu Aseed Al-Saadi (MAPH) narrates that we were present in the service of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)  When a man came from the tribe of Banu Salma and asked: Ya Rasool Allah!  Is there anything I can do to help my parents? When are my parents no more in this world? He said: Yes, why not? Ask forgiveness for them, and fulfil the promises they made to someone. Treat their loved ones with kindness and kindness as they used to do with them in their life, and treat their friends with respect and dignity.

Hazrat Abu Tufayl narrates that he saw the Holy Prophet (saw) in the place of Ja’rana. You were distributing meat. Meanwhile, a woman came, and the Holy Prophet spread her chador for her, and she sat on it. I asked the people, “Who is this woman whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is honouring so much?” People said that she was the Holy Prophet’s foster mother.

Emotional Islamic Quotes on Parents

The Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) said: Three men were walking when it started raining, and they took refuge in a cave in the mountain.

Then suddenly, a rock fell on the mouth of their cave, which closed the mouth of the cave. They said to each other: Pray to Allah Almighty: Ya Allah! My parents were very old. I used to go out and graze my cattle. Then, when he returned in the evening, he would take out their milk and serve it to his parents first in the pot.

When my parents drank, he would feed the children and his wife. Coincidentally, one night, I returned home late, and when I returned home, my parents were asleep. I didn’t think it appropriate to call them asleep at this time. The hungry children were crying loudly at my feet,” he said. I stood before my parents for a cup of equal milk until it was morning. O Allah! If you think I did this only to please you, remove this rock for us and make it so that we can see the sky,” he said. So the stone moved a little.


Mother is a gift from Allah Almighty for which there is no substitute. After Allah Almighty, she quickly knows the condition of her children’s hearts. No one knows better than the mother what is happening in the child’s heart. No one loves children more than a mother.

  1. Every ordinary person has a different definition of a mother. Every one of them is appreciated. Everyone knows that if there is a mother, then there is a world; otherwise, life is incomplete.

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