Allah Huma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya: A Spiritual Journey

Allah huma bismika amutu WA ahya this is a prayer for sleep. Because everyone wants to complete their sleep peacefully, this prayer is very important for a Muslim. Sleep is also half-death, so whenever a person sleeps, he should sleep thinking that he will enter the valley of half-death. Therefore, the prayer should be recited that allah huma bismika amutu wa ahya.

Understanding Allah Huma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya

“Allah Huma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya” is derived from Arabic, a language known for its richness and depth. Translated, it means, “O Allah, in Your name I die and come to life.” This phrase is a profound expression of faith, a testament to the belief in the cycle of life and death and the power of the divine in shaping our existence.

Hazrat Abu Dharr Ghaffari (RA) narrated. When Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) went to his bedroom at night, You read Allahumma bismika amutu wa ahya. And when they were awake, You read Dua.

Allahumma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya Meaning

Allahumma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya Meaning

Etiquette of sleeping

  • Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: Purify these bodies, may Allah grant you purity. Every servant who sleeps in a state of purity, indeed an angel, spends the night with her. The angel says: “O Allah! Forgive your servant.
  • Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: When one of you goes to his bed, he should make her bed clean because he does not know what has entered it.
  • It would help if you brushed before going to the bedroom.
  • Sleep on the right side.
  • When sleeping, take care that you do not sleep on your stomach because this act is disgusting to Allah Almighty.
  • Analyze your daily routine before going to bed.
  • Consider the five daily prayers that you have performed.
  • If you have done evil deeds all day, repent to Allah and intend to do good deeds.
  • Before going to bed, make the intention that I will offer the Morning Prayer in the congregation.

Dhikr at Bedtime

While sleeping at night, a person should recite all these dhikrs, and if not everyone can recite dhikrs, then he should be content with only the necessary dhikrs:

Recitation of Surahs

Hazrat Ayesha narrates: (Whenever Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) came to bed at night, he would recite these three Surahs, then place both his palms on his body, and do this three times.

Reading the verse of Ayat-Kursi

Abo Horaira says that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) entrusted me with the protection of breaking the fast. So a man came and began to gather the grain; I grabbed it and said: “I will bring you to the Prophet, then he narrated the whole incident.

“It also says that the man said: “When you go to sleep, recite Ayat-Kursi. The one who protects you. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: (It was the devil; he is a liar, but you have been told the truth)

The verses of Surat Baqarah

Whoever recites the last two verses of Surah Baqarah in the night, then these two verses will suffice for him.

Recitation of Surah Al-Kafroon

Nawfal Ashja’i narrates that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: You go to sleep after reciting Surah Kafirun. It is an expression of separation from shirk.

Recitation of Surah Bani Isra’il

Hazrat Ayesha said: Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) did not sleep without reciting Surah Bani Isra’il and Surah Al-Zumar.

Saying Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allah Akbar

Hazrat Fatima demanded a servant from Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Can I tell you more than what you are asking? “say “Subhan Allah” 33, “Alhamdulillah” 33 and “Allah Akbar” 34 times) Ali (RA) replied:

I have not abandoned him on any night since that day. He (RA) was asked: What about the night of Safin? Ali replied: I did not leave him even on the night of Safin.

Hadith about Allah Huma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya Dua

  • Hazrat Anas said: When Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) lay down on his bed, he would say: All praise is due to Allah, Who has given us sustenance. He is sufficient for us and He has given us a place to live, and there are many who have no guardian or place to stay.
  • Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: When one of you lies down on your bed, shake your bed, and recite “Bismillah” because he does not know what happened to the bed after he left. And say: O Allah! Glory be to my Lord, I am lying on my side in your name, and I will rise in your name; if you take my soul, forgive it, and if you let it go, protect it as you protect the righteous.
  • Hazrat Abu Azhar Anmari said: Whenever he fell asleep at night, you read: In the name of Allah, I put my side on the bed, O Allah! Forgive my sins, disgrace my devil, grant me all rights, and admit me to the council of angels.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does Allah Huma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya mean?

  • It means, “O Allah, in Your name I die and come to life.”

What is the spiritual significance of this phrase?

  • The spiritual significance lies in its ability to encapsulate the human experience of surrender and rebirth, reminding us of our mortality and dependence on the divine.

How can one experience the transformative power of this phrase?

  • By letting go of our ego, desires, and fears and surrendering ourselves to the divine will.

In conclusion, “Allah Huma Bismika Amutu WA Ahya” is more than just a phrase; it is a spiritual journey, a testament to faith, and a call to surrender. It reminds us of our mortality and dependence on the divine and promises renewal and rebirth. Embracing this phrase is about understanding its meaning and experiencing its transformative power. So, let us embark on this spiritual journey, surrender ourselves to the divine will, and find life in the face of death.

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